Philadelphia Affinity Group Network for Teachers of Color

Posted by Teach Plus PA on September 10, 2024

The Philadelphia Affinity Group Network, led by Teach Plus Pennsylvania, will cultivate authentic, inclusive, intersectional spaces, shaped by and for educators of color. These identity-affirming and supportive spaces, rooted in an asset-based understanding of diversity, will support educators in navigating and improving their school environments and will be connected to a larger network to build alliances and address systemic issues. They will be connected to a larger network to build alliances and address systemic issues, and will be open to educators currently working in Philadelphia district and charter schools.

The network launched with 21 affinity groups across the city in 2023-24 and will expand to 30 groups in 2024-25. Each affinity group is facilitated by a teacher leader who receives ongoing development and support from a Teach Plus leadership coach. Teacher leaders receive training and are part of a community of practice of fellow facilitators to support them in conceptualizing and designing their affinity group, recruiting members, and leading their group in regular meetings.

Learn more.


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