National Community Building Network Conference
Posted by on March 28, 2003
Renewing Our Commitment to Community Building
NCBN’s 2003 Annual Conference and 10th Anniversary Celebration
April 30 – May 3, 2003 – Chicago, Illinois
Registration & Hotel Reservation Deadline: Friday, March 28th
NCBN’s 2003 Annual Conference and 10th Anniversary Celebration promises great opportunities for education, peer learning and networking. Confirmed speakers and presenters include:
* Jody Kretzmann, Asset-Based Community Development Institute
* Angela Glover Blackwell, PolicyLink
* The Safer Foundation (national leaders on prisoner re-entry programs)
* The National Center for Community Education (leaders in the Community Schools movement)
* The National Funding Collaborative on Violence Prevention (an innovative effort building safer communities)
* Fund for an OPEN Society (a capacity-building organization devoted to supporting racially inclusive communities)
* The Institute of Cultural Affairs (nationally-renowned trainers in community engagement and planning)
* And many more.
You can register for the conference online at Or, contact NCBN staff by e-mail ([email protected]), phone (510-663-6226) or fax (510-663-6222) and we will be happy to send you conference registration materials.
Also, be sure to reserve your room at the conference hotel, the Hyatt Regency Chicago, by March 28 to secure the discounted rate of only $170 per night for a single or double room plus 14.9% room tax. After March 28 we cannot guarantee rooms will be available at this rate. To reserve a room at the Hyatt Regency, call 1-800-233-1234. Please mention the National Community Building Network when making your reservation to get the guaranteed rate.
The conference will bring together over 600 community builders from around the country to network, share strategies and celebrate the work of community building. Make sure you are a part of this exciting 10th anniversary event. Register today!
The Board and Staff of the National Community Building Network
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