Encouraging College Students to Complete the Census
Posted by ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge on April 7, 2020
April 1, 2020 was #NationalCensusDay, and what better way to celebrate than to take the census online and share it with your campus community: https://2020census.gov/.
Encouraging students to complete the census –– online, by phone, or through the mail –– is another way that campuses can do their part to help keep their students engaged and their communities strong. The census has advised that students who have been displaced from campus due to COVID-19 should complete the census as if they are still residing in on- or off-campus housing.
Census Counts 2020 offers additional trainings and resources to support your engagement with the census. We encourage you to complete the census and to share it with students via email and social media.
When all members of a community are counted, everyone, including students, get their fair share of federal funding for health care, education, and emergency planning. Help your campus community by sharing information about the census today.
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