2020-2021 Temple Education Scholars – Apr 3
Posted by Temple University on March 17, 2020
The application for the 2020-2021 cohort of the Temple Education Scholars dual enrollment program is now open!
Current 11th grade students in the School District of Philadelphia are eligible to apply (for participation during their 12th grade year). The application closes on April 3, 2020 — so students should not delay in applying!
Temple Education Scholars is a dual enrollment program held at Temple University for high school students interested in pursuing a college major in education and a career as a teacher or other educator. Scholars enroll in 5 college education courses through the program and have the opportunity to earn 15 college credits from Temple University – these credits will be reflected on both a Temple U. transcript and the SDP transcript. Temple Education Scholars is both a college readiness program and an initiative aimed towards increasing the diversity of teachers in Pennsylvania (https://www.education.pa.gov/Postsecondary-Adult/Pages/Aspiring-to-Educate.aspx).
- The program includes tutoring and mentoring support, college readiness and college admissions application support, introduction to university resources such as the Student Success Center, the Career Center, the Wellness Center, and much more!
- There are 15 spots in this program next year, funded by the School District of Philadelphia and Temple University’s College of Education. The program is offered at no cost to SDP students and their families.
- Interested students must be able to complete their high school courses required for graduation in the morning hours at their high schools, eat lunch at their high schools, and then travel via public transit to Temple’s Main Campus for arrival by 1:30pm. Courses and TES programming run until 5:00pm daily (Monday through Friday). Accommodations for students’ participation in after-school activities are possible.
- The 2020-2021 program will begin on Monday, August 12, 2020.
- More information about the TES program is available at our program website: https://sites.temple.edu/edscholars/
- Details about how to apply for TES via the district’s Senior Year Only Program (SYOP) application can be found here: https://www.philasd.org/academics/syop/how-to-apply/
- Listen to an interview with Lorraine Ballard Morrill about our program and the story of Sydney Smith, EDU ’23 and graduate of Philadelphia High School for Girls, who participated in TES during 2018-2019 here: https://education.temple.edu/news/2020/02/temple-education-scholar-and-assistant-dean-interviewed-iheart-radio
Any school leaders, students, or parents who would like more information about Temple Education Scholars can contact either me or Samantha Horchos, College Access Coordinator in the College of Education at Temple, at [email protected] or 215-204-4709.
Recruitment flyer: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3A9c4c42c8-7112-495d-bdf1-42391cd7ac22
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