Webinar: Applying Behavioral Science to Student Voting, “Nudging” Increased Voter Registration & Turnout – Mar 24
Posted by ALL IN Democracy Challenge on March 3, 2020
2020 WEBINAR SERIES – Achieving Full Student Voter Participation: Applying Behavioral Science to Student Voting, “Nudging” Increased Voter Registration & Turnout, March 24, 2020 | 1:30 PM ET
Many students intend to vote, but don’t end up actually voting, due largely to a range of small “micro-barriers” (confusion, lack of planning, perceived hassle, etc.) that get in the way. These students don’t necessarily need to be convinced or persuaded to vote, but rather helped and “nudged” to ensure that their intent is translated into action.
In this webinar, experts will share about how applying principles of behavioral science can help students overcome these barriers, make voting easier and drive higher political participation. Researchers from the behavioral sciences firm, ideas42, will discuss their report, Graduating Students into Voters. Scott Young of the BVA Nudge Unit will share ways in which college administrators, faculty and students can “nudge” voter registration and turnout strategies on campus. They will be joined by Purvi Patel, Director of Civic Engagement at the University of Chicago, who will share how UChiVotes is integrating these concepts into their campus efforts.
Read the report, Graduating Students into Voters: http://www.ideas42.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Students_into_Voters.pdf
Register for webinar: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/5761011424908893707
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