YSA’s ServiceVote Campaign
Posted by Youth Service America on May 21, 2024
YSA’s ServiceVote campaign asks young people to help register, educate, and get their peers out to vote; to connect their volunteering and service to voting and advocacy on the issues they care about; and to call on public officials to create spaces at every decision-making table for young voices.
With the first presidential debate now scheduled for June 27, the Republican National Convention on July 15-18, and the Democratic National Convention on August 19-22, the 2024 election season will soon be in full swing.
Here are 4 ways to get ready for ServiceVote 2024:
- Find resources from our partners to register and educate new, young voters.
- Make plans to celebrate civic holidays this fall – including National Voter Registration Day, High School Voter Registration Week, National Voter Education Week, and Vote Early Day.
- Register to vote (or check your registration status) at weall.vote/ysa.
- Watch for guides.vote nonpartisan voters guides that show where candidates stand. They’re produced by veteran journalists with links to credible sources. Guides for 25 states to be published later this year.
This summer, we’ll be announcing new ways for you to participate in the ServiceVote 2024 campaign. Learn more and sign up at YSA.org/ServiceVote to be the first to know about new opportunities and resources to engage young people in this year’s elections.
More in "New Resources"
- New Book: STEM Smart Parenting
- Federal Work-Study Partnership Toolkit for Districts and Nonprofits
- Want to stay healthier and fulfilled later in life? Try volunteering
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