YouthWeb Community Technology Center course offerings
Posted by on October 10, 2003
Mayors Office of Community Services, YouthWeb Community Technology Center has completed the first quarter of its fall 2003 Schedule. ALL CLASSES REQUIRE REGISTRATION, PRIOR TO STARTING CLASS. Classes’ will held at 5700 North Broad Street, 3rd Floor (Broad & Chew, Benefical Saving Bank, entrance on Chew Avenue). For More information contact our staff @ 215-685-3500.
1. YouthWeb AfterSchool Program: Youth development program focusing on computer training, community service projects, career development & college preparation. Computer training features IC3 curriculum with emphasis on basic computing and Internet knowledge and skills. Successful completion of IC? ensures you have the knowledge and skills required for basic use of computer hardware, software, networks, and the Internet. The YouthWeb Afterschool Program runs for the entire school year, starting October 27, 2003 at 3:30 – 5:00.
2. Basic Computer Class, a 8-week course that meets three times a week for three hour sessions, either Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. This course covers the basics of the computer, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, electronic mail, and surfing the Internet. Class will be held at 5700 North Broad Street, 3rd Floor (Broad & Chew, Benefical Saving Bank, entrance on Chew Avenue) starting October 6, 2003 at 10:00am ? 1:00pm
3. Saturday Morning Class: Basic Computer Class, Bimonthly (every other Saturday). This course covers the computer basics, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, electronic mail, and surfing the Internet. (Perfect for the working individual) Class will be held at 5700 North Broad Street, 3rd Floor ( Broad & Chew, Benefical Saving Bank, entrance on Chew Avenue) starting on October 18, 2003 at 10:00am-12:00pm
4. Web Design: Beginners HTML, This course introduces students to the foundations of Web design (information design, site content, site structure, and page design) as well as basic through intermediate HTML/XHTML (including many basic tags, as well as hyperlinks, lists, and basic tables, frames, and cascading style sheets). All lessons include relevant information regarding accessibility and project management. Class will be held at 5700 North Broad Street, 3rd Floor ( Broad & Chew, Benefical Saving Bank, entrance on Chew Avenue) on Tuesdays starting October 7, 2003 at 6:00pm-8:00pm. (Class will be every Tuesday until Dec 16, 2003)
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