Youth VOICES Celebration and Recruitment Event
Posted by on August 4, 2006
Over the past six weeks, the Temple Youth VOICES Leaders’ Corp has been working diligently to prepare for the 2006-2007 VOICES Season. We are more excited than ever to engage Philadelphia youth in effectively addressing the issues that impact their communities and their lives.
On Thursday, August 10th we are hosting a Celebration and Recruitment Event at Temple University. A dynamic group of college students and youth leaders have prepared an interactive, multi-media presentation aimed at inspiring youth to work for change as part of the VOICES family.
We hope you will join us for this exciting youth-led event. In addition, we hope you will invite young people from your community and/or organization who are looking for an opportunity to be part of a positive, youth-driven movement for change.
Among their many accomplishments in 2005-2006, VOICES participants:
? Produced a series of powerful films that speak to the strengths and struggles of young people;
? Presented to a ?standing-room-only? crowd at the National Conference on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention in Washington, D.C.;
? Addressed the Delaware Valley Grantmakers? Special Forum on Youth Issues;
? Hosted numerous community events to engage friends, parents, educators and community leaders in their efforts;
? Earned $15,000 in scholarships to travel abroad with the Experiment in International Living; and
? Partnered with the National Nursing Center’s Consortium to produce a documentary of the youth development program, ‘Students Run Philly Style’ Program.
We have already begun to identify the many ways we can build on our success in 2006-2007. We are looking forward to engaging a greater number of Philadelphia youth in our efforts. We hope that YOU will help us by identifying young people who might be interested in lending their energy to VOICES and inviting them to our event on August 10th.
If you have any questions, or would like additional information, please contact me via email or by phone at 215-206-3406. If you would like a member of the VOICES Leaders? Corp to come out and speak to youth in your organization, please let us know!
Refreshments will be served at the event and we want to make sure there is plenty for everyone. Please RSVP by Monday, August 7th.
On behalf of the Temple Youth VOICES Leaders? Corp, we look forward to hosting you!
Temple Youth VOICES Project
Summer Celebration and Recruitment Event
Thursday, August 10th 2006
1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Temple University Student Center, Room 200
13th and Montgomery Streets
The mission of The Temple Youth VOICES Project is to empower youth to use their voice for positive social change. We aim to build the individual and collective power of youth though the process of collaborative research, education and relationship building with community partners, government agencies and non-profit organizations.
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