Youth Service America VISTA Partnership Application – Mar 8

Posted by Youth Service America on January 16, 2024

YSA has worked hard the past few months to redefine and refine our new, nationwide AmeriCorps Program. After a series of initial applications, focus groups, and conversations, we are excited to (re)launch our partnership application. With your help, we will create an AmeriCorps VISTA program focused on expanding youth service opportunities, civic education, and increasing social capital for low-income youth.

Do you or a partner of yours, need extra capacity to better integrate youth voice into programming? To build a network of partners? To expand opportunities for youth community engagement and service? We encourage you to apply!

Our short site partnership application is now open. This application will both help us finalize our VISTA proposal and ensure we have a mutually beneficial partnership. Learn more and apply.

Priority Deadline: Friday, February 2, 2024

Final Deadline: Friday, March 8, 2024

Please note that if you have already applied to be a host site that you do not need to reapply. Unsure? Feel free to reach out to Abbie Deacon, Director of AmeriCorps Outreach, at

Learn more by joining us for an information session: Wednesday, January 17 at 4:00 PM EST. Click here to register.

About the Program

Successful applicants are schools, government agencies, or non-profit organizations with 501(c)3 status that plan to create or expand opportunities for youth leaders to engage their peers in service, civics, and other forms of community engagement. These partnering organizations will serve as a physical host organization for an AmeriCorps member.

As an AmeriCorps VISTA program, members will provide indirect, capacity-building service to organizations. While they cannot provide direct service to end beneficiaries (tutoring, mentoring, case management, etc.), they can establish or further develop organizational partnerships, recruit and manage volunteers, leverage financial and in-kind resources, recommend best practices, improve marketing efforts, and assess program impact.

This program is contingent upon the approval of our grant application and funding by AmeriCorps. An initial acceptance of your proposal is not a guarantee that an AmeriCorps member will begin service with your organization.

Program overview.

Application toolkit.

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