Workshop: Volunteering for Parents & Kids
Posted by on April 23, 2004
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Free Workshop in PHILADELPHIA on Volunteering for Parents & Kids
Thursday, May 20, 2004
WHO: If YOU would like to know more about getting your family hooked on service, this workshop is the place to be! Sign up to learn simple tips on how to get started, stay involved, and promote the lifelong value of service.
WHAT: Youth Volunteerism Workshop – take part in fun activities that will get everyone excited about volunteering together as a family! Teachers and youth workers also welcome.
WHERE: The Franklin Institute
220 North 20th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
WHEN: Thursday, May 20, 3:00-5:00 PM
WHY: This is a great way to spend time with your child or children and build the lifelong value of service. Cathryn Berger Kaye, nationally renown leader in the areas of youth and family volunteerism, will lead an interactive presentation offering practical, useful suggestions and providing hands-on learning activities to help engage children and families in community service. Cathryn is the author of the newly released The Complete Guide to Service Learning–Proven, Practical Ways to Engage Students in Civic Responsibility, Academic Curriculum, & Social Action (Free Spirit Publishing, 2004).
? Refreshments and Raffle Prizes
? ?Angels in Action? Kits with materials and tools to encourage family interest and involvement in community service
? Angel Soft product coupons
RSVP: Please call Brittany Palmer at 312.988.2012
MORE INFO: Visit for additional details ? click on ANGELS IN ACTION. Please note that the Angels in Action program (and website) offers wonderful materials and resources for teachers, parents, and anyone supporting youth involvement in service.
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