Workshop Proposal Reviewers for NYLC Conference
Posted by on September 13, 2002
Calling all Prospective Workshop Proposal Reviewers for the National Service-Learning Conference!
On April 23-26, 2003, more than 3,500 service-learning practitioners will convene in Minneapolis, Minnesota, for this year’s conference, "Weaving
the Fabric of Community: A Celebration of Service-Learning." The National Youth Leadership Council (NYLC), sponsor of the annual National Service-Learning Conference, is seeking service-learning practitioners to review workshop proposals for the 2003 National Service-Learning Conference. Please consider helping us make this conference a true collaborative effort, reflective of the growing diversity of the field, by joining us in this national effort by:
WHAT: donating 1-2 hours of your time to review 7-10 workshop proposals, using a standardized form
WHEN: mid-October, 2002
WHERE: in the privacy of your own home/office
WHY: to help create the best possible national service-learning conference, representative of the national diversity of the field
HOW: by e-mailing Megan McKinnon, [email protected] using this form!
To better match proposals with reviewers, we will ask that you identify at least one of the conference strands that represents your interest area.
The 2003 strands are:
____ Academic Excellence: K-12, CBOs and Higher Education Institutions: Achieving High Standards
____ Community Development and Social Justice: Creating Just and Multi-cultural Communities through Service-Learning
____ Research and Policy: Sustaining Service-Learning through Thought and Practice
____ Lifelong Learning: Reaching Spiritual and Educational Balance through Service-Learning
____ The Environment and Global Stewardship: Nurturing Planet Earth through Service-Learning
____ K-12, CBOs and High Education Partnerships: Meeting the Goals of Schools and Communities
____ Character Education and Service-Learning: Promoting Active Citizenship
We would also like to know what conference audience best describes your professional experience:
____ K-12 education
____ Higher Education
____ Community-Based Organization
____ Student/Youth (high school and college-aged)
____ Foundations/Corporations
Name: __________________________________________________________
Organization: _____________________________________________________
Mailing Address: __________________________________________________
Day Phone: ______________________________________________________
E-mail: __________________________________________________________
Thank you so much for considering helping shape the 14th Annual National Service-Learning Conference by giving your time to this effort!
Megan McKinnon
Executive and Editorial Assistant
National Service-Learning Conference
National Youth Leadership Council
1667 Snelling Ave N
Suite D300
St. Paul, MN 55108
Tel: (651) 999-7353
Fax: (651) 999-7399
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