Working Conference: Local Afterschool Intermediaries
Posted by on February 6, 2004
The After-School Corporation invites you to attend our
Working Conference for Strengthening and Developing Local After-School Intermediaries
to be held in New York City from May 6-7, 2004.
With support from the Garfield Foundation, TASC is assisting stakeholders across the country develop and strengthen after-school initiatives similar to TASC. This two-day working conference will work with 8-10 teams and explore five essential functions of local intermediary organizations: constituency building; fund development; grants management, program monitoring, and quality assurance; coordinating training, professional development, and technical assistance; and supporting research, evaluation, and best practices.
Who should attend: Teams of 3-5 people, which must include a representative from the intermediary organization, school district, and nonprofit community. Stakeholders should represent school districts of at least 5,000 students.
If you are interested in attending, please complete and return the application by March 15, 2004. Applicants should direct questions to Kathy Olsen at 212-547-6954 or [email protected]. Applications can be found on the TASC website at
TASC will be hosting a similar event in the fall for statewide groups and interested parties should check TASC?s website,, in upcoming months for the application.
More in "National Conferences & Calls for Proposal"
- Invitation to Shape Research Agenda for Service-Learning and Community Engagement – Mar 30 & Apr 3-4
- Data on Purpose Virtual Summit: Reimagining the Digital Future: Harnessing AI for Social Good – May 6-7
- Save the Date: Leadership Institute for Women and Gender-Diverse Leaders – Dec 2-3
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