Woodrow Wilson Public Scholarship Grants (including curricular design)
Posted by on February 7, 2003
Applications Invited for Woodrow Wilson Public Scholarship Grants
Deadline: February 12, 2003
Administered by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation (http://www.woodrow.org/) with funding from the New York City-based Rockefeller Foundation (http://www.rockfound.org/), the Woodrow Wilson Public Scholarship Grants Program is designed to encourage interaction and collaborative efforts among university-based humanists, artists, and the wider community. In 2003, the fourth year of the program, grants will go to projects that serve communities where poverty and lack of access to resources exclude children and adults from creative endeavors in the arts and humanities.
Project teams are invited to apply in either of the following categories:
* Partnership Grants are awarded to partnerships of arts and humanities faculty and community-based artists, humanists, educators, etc., who have defined and designed a collaborative project in community creativity at the local, regional, or national level. Up to seven grants of as much as $10,000 will be awarded.
* Curricular Design Grants are awarded to faculty teams to investigate ways to integrate public scholarship into doctoral curricula. Funds may be used to support planning and/or a small-scale pilot. Proposals should include evidence of institutional support, a record of engagement in public scholarship, and demonstrated experience in effective curricular design. All past Public Scholarship Grant winners whose projects fall within the emphasis of the 2003 program are encouraged to apply. Two or three grants of up to $10,000 will be awarded.
Complete guidelines and application materials are available at the Web site of the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation.
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