volunteers needed, Lincoln High School Career Day

Posted by on April 19, 2010

PYN offers many ways for individuals in the business community to become connected with our work. Upcoming opportunities include mock interviews, career days and professional conferences. Please see below for additional details. To learn more about these opportunities or to sign-up as a volunteer, contact Jillian Low at jlow@pyninc.org or 267-502-3729.

May 12th 8:30am-1:00pm
Abraham Lincoln High School
3201 Ryan Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19136

The Student Success Center will host its first Career Day. All grades are expected to participate in the event. The volunteers/speakers will arrive at 8:30 and be provided a continental breakfast and then given their schedule for the day. In order to maximize the day we will have the students stay in their advisories and the speakers will rotate through different classes. Speakers will be escorted from class to class by ROTC members. This event will allow students to gain insight and information about different organizations and potential opportunities for internships or future career goals.

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