Volunteer Activities for Tree Lovers!
Posted by on November 1, 2002
This Saturday, November 9, from 10 am to 2 pm, the 4400 block of Osage Avenue in University City/West Philadelphia has a greening workday with local Tree Tenders groups, as part of the Spruce Hill Block Improvement Grant Program. Using volunteers and rented equipment, block residents and others will be opening up new “tree lawns,” extending existing planting strips and spreading mulch in preparation for additional tree plantings in Spring, 2003. Lots of fun and a great way to learn what’s involved with concrete removal and tree pit creation. Even if you just come by for an hour, you will be greatly appreciated. Please bring your own gloves, but extra tools such as shovels, picks and sledges will be available and there will be refreshments! If you have questions or need directions, contact new Tree Tender, Linda Blythe, at [email protected] or (215)387-3370.
On the same day, Saturday, November 9 beginning at around 10 a.m., some 20 container grown native species will be planted in Lansdowne Park on Nyack Street, down the street from the Lansdowne Public Library. a block or two South of Baltimore Pike in Lansdowne. These trees were grown by Tim Deveney and others who operate “TREE THE STREETS,” a non-profit container tree nursery for native species in Ridley Park which have been used with great results for planting hard to find varieties with great root systems. They require special treatments in planting and maintenance which Tim will be most happy to explain if you show up to help. They could probably use more shovels. For additional information, contact Mary Lou Jennings, Lansdowne Tree Advisory Board at 610-622-0162 or Tim Deveney at 610-532-6827. His email is [email protected]
Then, on the next Saturday, November 16 from 10 a.m. to around 3 p.m., some 14 honey locusts will be planted on the 4900 block of Baltimore Avenue in West Philadelphia with the cooperation of a number of Tree Tender groups, including Baltimore Avenue in Bloom, UC Green, Cross Baltimore and the newest local group, the West Philly Tree Tenders. These are balled and burlaped trees which will be installed in newly created tree pits. Plenty of planting equipment will be on hand so just bring your own gloves. Again, we promise to feed you and offer you another opportunity to hone your planting skills. The Baltimore Avenue trolley, route 34, from City Hall will get you there and back, but for additional information, contact Mike Hardy at [email protected] or (215) 382-0365.
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