VITA Sites Open and MyFreeTaxes website
Posted by on February 10, 2014
UW offers free tax assistance across region
Tax season has arrived!
For individuals and families struggling to make ends meet, a few extra dollars back in their pockets during tax season can make all the difference. Once again this year, United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey (UWGPSNJ) will provide free tax assistance for low-income families in our region through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program.
With UWGPSNJ’s support, this locally-run IRS-supported tax preparation service mobilizes trained volunteers to assist residents in filing their taxes, so that more individuals and families in our region have access to the resources they need to help them achieve and sustain financial stability.
In addition, eligible individuals making a household income of less than $57,500 can also file their state and federal taxes for free online through United Way’s My Free Taxes Initiative. For eligibility, sites and additional information, please visit here
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