Virtual Conference: Promoting Adolescent Health Through Cross-Age Teaching

Posted by on January 30, 2004

[posted from Building Partnerships for Youth e-bulletin]

National Training Opportunity: February 13, 1-2:15 pm ET
“An Interactive Virtual Conference on Promoting Adolescent Health Through Cross-Age Teaching?

Join Building Partnerships for Youth, The CYFERnet Teen Editorial Board, and Healthy People, Healthy Communities on February 13, 2004 from 1-2:15 pm ET for a live, interactive, virtual conference featuring experts in the fields of youth development, cross-age teaching, and the DARE to be You program. Registration information is available online at

Presenters will include Faye C.H. Lee, Ed.D., University of California Cooperative Extension, Jan Miller-Heyl, Colorado State University, and David Gordanier, DARE to be You Peer Leader

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