various summer opportunities, Neighborhood Bike Works
Posted by on July 16, 2004
Neighborhood Bike Works Summer Youth Programs 2004
Call 215.386.0316 for details unless otherwise noted.
Summer Camp
This summer we are again running our Earn-a-Bike program as a two-week day camp. Camp is from 8.30 am to 4.00 pm, Monday through Friday. There are four sessions, starting July 6 (a Tuesday), July 19, August 2, and August 16. All camper slots are full; adults can contact Andrew S. or Anna to volunteer.
Eight Weeks to Fitness
Spinning for kids! This program is designed to encourage youth to eat better and be more active. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 4pm to 6pm; recent physical required. Interested parents and youth should contact Andy Dyson.
CityScape Cycling Club
Starting in mid-July, the CityScape Cycling Club will run at least two rides a week. Rides will focus on building youths? cycling skills and endurance while exploring architectural, artistic, recreational, and historic points of interest within cycling distance. Youth and adults welcome; those new to NBW must arrange with Ms. Felecia to attend a bike safety lesson. Call for ride schedule.
Drop-In Repair Sessions
Neighborhood Bike Works offers year-round Saturday open shop time from 9:30am to 2 pm at the 39th and Locust shop, and from 1 pm to 4 pm at the Haddington shop. Open to youth who have already earned a bike through NBW.
Summer Youth Works
Neighborhood Bike Works partners with several YouthWorks agencies to provide job opportunities for youth aged 15 to 18. This year, projects include traffic surveys and shop inventory. Paid youth slots are full; adults can contact Patrick to volunteer.
Haddington Workshop
The Haddington space is open to the public for repairs and sales Monday through Thursday from 9 to 1. Continuing NBW students can learn advanced mechanics, public relations skills, and how to manage a small business. Call Andrew at 215.476.4436 during shop hours for more information.
Leadership Group
A select group of advanced NBW students are working to plan and facilitate rides for other students, and to keep our fleet of bikes in good running order. Interested students should contact Ms. Felecia.
Afternoon Earn a Bike Classes
School may be out, but our afternoon classes are still on! Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4.30 to 6.30 at 39th and Locust Walk; volunteers and new students should contact Patrick to sign up. Monday-Wednesday sessions at Haddington are full.
Happy cycling!
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