Using art to navigate the intersection of oppressions
Posted by on June 8, 2009
Alternate ROOTS Annual Meeting
August 11-16
Arden, North Carolina
The 33rd Annual Meeting: Rebirth of a Nation: Using art to navigate the intersection of oppressions
This year’s annual meeting theme will be “Re-birth of a Nation: Using art to navigate the intersection of oppressions”. As a phoenix rising from the ashes, America is entering a time of new opportunities for growth, change, and awareness, a re-birthing. These same opportunities parallel Alternate ROOTS’ strategic planning year, as we evaluate and build a stronger foundation for Alternate ROOTS’ future. With change looming ahead we cannot forget our purpose, and understand that we have miles to travel in the work to end all forms of oppression. How can ROOTS re-define its use of art to navigate that intersection? What will it take to activate the collective consciousness of the future?
This year’s theme supports the idea that sustainable communities are needed in order to truly work towards ending oppression, and the idea that sustainability comes in many forms whether environmentally, psychologically, or spiritually “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” in every sense of the expression. We have the opportunity to reduce our consumption environmentally as well as reduce the ignorance feeding oppression. We have the opportunity to reuse materials and goods as well as reuse the knowledge of our ancestors to strengthen the connection between art and the movement. We can recycle these ideas into constructive images and actions.§ion_id=1666
More in "National Conferences & Calls for Proposal"
- Call for Papers: Metropolitan Universities Journal – July 1
- Call for Proposals: Leveraging Legacies of Peacebuilding in a Precarious Time – May 1
- Invitation to Shape Research Agenda for Service-Learning and Community Engagement – Mar 30 & Apr 3-4
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