Urban School Principal Training Programs
Posted by on February 19, 2007
[posted from RFP Bulletin]
Broad Foundation Invites Concept Papers for Urban School Principal Training Programs
Deadline: February 9, 2007; and June 15, 2007 (Concept Papers)
The Broad Foundation (<a href="http://www.broadfoundation.org/">http://www.broadfoundation.org/</a>) plans to increase its investments in training programs that develop strong, high-quality principals in urban schools and is seeking proposals.
Mounting evidence shows that strong school leaders are a critical lever for increasing student achievement. The Broad Foundation will accept proposals from school districts, charter school management organizations, nonprofit organizations, and universities to develop, implement, or expand high-quality aspiring principal programs that recruit, train, place, and support school leaders.
Eligible organizations have two opportunities to submit proposals:
Round I: Submit a four- to six-page "concept paper" by February 9, 2007. Select programs will be asked to submit full proposal by April 13, 2007. Select programs will begin receiving funds by September/October 2007.
Round II: Submit a four- to six-page "concept paper" by June 15, 2007. Select programs will be asked to submit full proposal by August 24, 2007. Select programs will begin receiving funds by January 2008.
For details about the Request for Proposal process, including guidance on eligibility and instructions on how to complete and submit a concept paper, visit the Broad Foundation Web site.
RFP Link: <a href="http://fconline.fdncenter.org/pnd/10006057/broadfoundation">http://fconline.fdncenter.org/pnd/10006057/broadfoundation</a>
For additional RFPs in Education, visit: <a href="http://foundationcenter.org/pnd/rfp/cat_education.jhtml">http://foundationcenter.org/pnd/rfp/cat_education.jhtml</a>
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