Upcoming Events at Neighborhood Bike Works
Posted by on June 21, 2002
Upcoming Events at Neighborhood Bike Works. Any help is much
appreciated. Members of the Bike Church Coop and some of our board members
have been helping out, but we still need some more assistance moving the
shop to a new level of organization:
This Saturday, 6/22/02, we are doing two BIKE SAFETY CHECK EVENTS in
two different neighborhoods. Locations are:
New Covenant Baptist, Church, 7500 Germantown Ave 10:00-3:00 (Allen’s Lane Regional rail, or 23 Bus)
Meet at NBW or at the location at Healing Life Church, 63rd and Arch. 12:00, Noon- 4:00pm
IF YOU WANT TO GO WITH NBW Meet at 5800 Race St at 11:00AM the event is from noon to 4:00. Last year it was raining almost all the time we were there –
we are hoping for better weather this year.
Inventory Day: Thursday 6/27/02 Be at NBW at any time after 9:00AM to help with this important task! Yes, it could be boring, but it is vital we get it done that day – an auditor from the Bureau of Charitable Organizations of PA will be here
Saturday 6/29/02 Sunoco Welcome America Kid’s day – Penn’s Landing, Pier 27 (near Spring Garden St, which is the closest Market Frankford El stop) Event starts at 10:00. NBW workers wanted at Penn’s Landing between 7:00 and 8:00AM We will be in contact regarding the exact details of your shift. If you are an NBW student 14 years old or older and have not signed up to be on this crew, call us at (215) 386-0316 to see if any paid positions are still available. We will be having a training for this event on Tuesday evening, 6/25 at 6:30PM. If you want to
volunteer for NBW on this day there are two things you can do – be at NBW at 8:30 to get ready for a ride down to the event, or be at the event at Penn’s landing any time between 8:00 and Noon to help with the event.
Please call (215) 386-0316 for details and to set up a time to attend.
Neighborhood Bike Works
St Mary’s Parish Hall
3916 Locust Walk Philadelphia PA 19104-6152
215-386-0316 FAX 215-386-7288
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