University Civic Education or Community Engagement Requirements
Posted by HE-SL Listserv on June 16, 2020
The following question was posed in a resent email post on the HE-SL (Higher Education-Service Learning) listserv:
Does anyone know of institutions that require a civic education or community engagement course of all undergraduate students, for example as part of gen ed requirements?
Here are the responses:
At Drexel University we have a required first-year course for undergraduates called CIVC 101: Introduction to Civic Engagement. Here’s the site about it:
Loyola University Chicago launched the Engaged Learning University Requirement in 2012, and you can find more information here:
Santa Clara University requires that all undergraduate students taken an experiential learning course focused on social justice.
California State University Monterey Bay has had a two-step service learning requirement. The Lower Division Requirement is embedded in General Education (Social Sciences: Civics/Service Learning). The Upper Division Requirement is embedded in the learning outcomes of each major. Here is a link to our framework and learning outcomes: CSUMB Service Learning Outcomes.
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