United for a Fair Economy Workshops with Chuck Collins
Posted by on March 12, 2004
Chuck Collins, co-author with Bill Gates Sr. of Wealth and Our Commonwealth; co-founder of Boston based United for a Fair Economy and Responsible Wealth and co-chair of the national Fair Taxes for All Coalition will be in Philadelphia for three great programs on March 21 and March 22.
Wealth and Our Commonwealth
Sunday, March 21, 11:00 AM
Philadelphia Ethical Society
1906 South Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia
Chuck Collins, co-author with Bill Gates, Sr. of Wealth and Our Commonwealth, will provide evidence that tax structure modifications over the century have dramatically affected economic inequality in our society and will address the history, mythology, and policy of taxing inherited wealth in the United States.
The Racial Wealth Divide
Sunday, March 21, 2:00 ? 5:00 PM
Philadelphia Ethical Society
1906 South Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia
This United for a Fair Economy workshop addresses the growing wealth gap between whites and peoples of color in the United States. The workshop will address the historic roots and continuing causes of the racial wealth gap, and point the way to government sponsored policy initiatives that will enable peoples of color to build wealth as individuals, families, and communities.
Facilitators: Chuck Collins and colleague Dedrick Muhammad of United for a Fair Economy
To register, send $5 ($2, students/seniors) by March 8., or $10 ($7, seniors/students) if postmarked after March 8 to: Philadelphia Ethical Society, 1906 South Rittenhouse Square, Phila., PA 19103; (215) 735 ? 3456; http://www.phillyethics.net
For more information, contact Nick Sanders at [email protected] or (215) 662-5636.
Shift, Shrink and Shaft: The Conservative Tax Agenda and What it Means for You
Monday, March 22, 6:00 ? 9:00 PM
A Table Talk: Dinner and Presentation
White Dog Caf?
3420 Sansom Street, Philadelphia
The US Congress is undertaking a permanent tax cut offensive, despite a federal deficit of over $500 billion and the fact that many states like PA are facing the worst budget cuts since World War II. Why is this happening? What does it mean for local communities? What are national and state efforts to build a fairer tax system as we encourage voter participation in the 2004 elections? Chuck Collins, United for a Fair Economy and Responsible Wealth
Ed Schwartz, founder and President of the Institute for the Study of Civic Values and Chair, Philadelphia?s Tax Reform Commission
Cost: $35 per person, includes tax and gratuity, three course dinner; speaker and discussion, 7:30-9 pm. Seniors and full-time students $25 with advance notification. Reservations at (215)386-9224; http://www.whitedog.com
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