Union Organizer, SEIU
Posted by on July 16, 2004
Fight the Good Fight–Become a Union Organizer!
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) organizers help working people win dignity and respect on the job. We help people help themselves, by building enduring institutions democratically controlled by workers that can negotiate with management for things like better wages and healthcare, plus flexibility, fairness and respect at work. Perhaps most importantly, we help strengthen communities.
The largest and fastest growing union in the AFL-CIO, diverse and with progressive politics, SEIU uses aggressive and innovative tactics, and together we challenge some of the largest and most powerful corporations in the world. And we win!
SEIU has openings for both entry- level and experienced activists in Pennsylvania. Union organizers discuss working conditions with people in their homes or workplaces, and assist them as they campaign for a union at their work site. Our Organizer-In-Training Program gives new organizers extensive training and placement throughout the union, primarily in our locals, with great opportunities for career advancement.
Job qualifications-you must have:
Commitment to justice for working people;
Good judgment;
Ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures;
*Prior community service or activist work or volunteer experience;
*Excellent communication skills–and bilingual English and Spanish, Creole or Tagalog is a plus;
*Willingness and stamina to relocate, travel and work long & irregular hours. The program requires the ability to travel for four to six months at the beginning of the training year (hotel, transportation and food costs are covered).
Starting salary ranges from mid-$20K to low $30K, with benefits. EOE. People of color, women, and bilingual people are strongly encouraged to apply. See our website for more information: <a href="http://www.seiujobs.org">http://www.seiujobs.org</a>.
Positions are available on an ongoing basis in Pennsylvania and nationally. However, our next regional One-Day Training and Screening could be in late-July, and requires a prior telephone interview, so apply now.
To apply, send cover letter and resume to Maria Svart at: [email protected] or fax to 202/898-9016.
We train talented organizers! We build strong unions! We help strengthen communities!
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