UC Green Pruning Club

Posted by on July 2, 2007

UC Green Pruning Club
Monday, July 16
6:30 to 8 p.m.
43rd & Pine Street

A Tree Tenders Continuing Education Program

Join in a summer-evening outing with the UC Green Pruning Club on Monday, July 16 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. followed by an optional, gab fest and supper sur urbe from a local pizzeria.

Now in its fourth year of operation, the UC Green Pruning Club began when a few of UC Green?s volunteer tree planters/Tree Tenders led by an experienced tree-pruner using hand tools and on-ground pruning techniques began to limb-up and prune dead and damaged branches from new trees installed in the neighborhood through UC Green?s efforts. It has slowly added additional pruning volunteers for weekly evening excursions to blocks which had been alerted to their coming for pruning maintenance of new and mature trees. They are led now by newly graduated and accredited Certified Arborists who volunteer their time and expertise to this seasonal effort.

Meet in the front of Colonial Pizza at 43rd and Pine Street. Take Routes 11,13,34 or 36 trolleys from City Hall or West Philadelphia to 43rd Street and walk north on 43rd until you reach Pine Street. All pruning this evening will be in this general locale. We?ll provide hand outs describing the history of the club, how it is organized and an initial draft of an evolving UC Green maintenance program for pruning, watering and maintaining newly planted trees in University City. Nearly 1000 have been planted by community volunteers in University City during DCNR?s 3 year old TreeVitalize Program.

Bring gloves and any hand pruning tools (bypass pruners, loppers, folding saws, etc) you might have. Wear ?sensible? shoes and clothing. Additional tools may also be available.

RSVP by Friday, July 13 to [email protected]. For additional information about UC Green, go to http://www.ucgreen.org.

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