Tools and Resources From Campus Election Engagement Project
Posted by Campus Election Engagement Project on September 1, 2020
Nonpartisan Presidential Guide
We want you to see our new nonpartisan Presidential Guide, which we’ve also translated into Spanish. This guide will be a key antidote to students who might otherwise stay home because they believe there’s not enough difference between Biden and Trump to bother showing up to vote. We also have some downballot guides and more coming at
Vote By Mail Video Series
We’re also tremendously excited about our launch of three animated videos on voting by mail.The goal of these videos is to help students feel confident and safe about their vote, and to help them and their off-campus peers vote whether their campuses are physically open, online only, or in a hybrid model:
These are excellent resources to distribute by a campus-wide email, via social media, or shown in sequence in the classroom or an online class session.
Speaking of videos, we want to share two videos from the I Have a Right organization, one featuring Ryan Jamaal Swain of the FX series Pose, and the other starring the dancer Nia Sioux, both affirming the right of young black voters to help determine their nation’s future.
Last but certainly not least, let’s talk about some ways to work around the coronavirus this fall:
COVID-19 Adaptations
Here are some other ways that you can help register students and work to get out the vote despite all the COVID-19 barriers:
- Integrating voter registration via the tools available on our website
- Sending students to our or portals, where they’ll be able to send stamped absentee ballot requests and completed ballots free of charge! (Our thanks to our generous partners at for this.)
- Voter registration via virtual orientations, classroom visits, or during COVID-19 testing.
- Using Coronavirus as a teachable moment in the classroom
- Signing up for our next Facilitating Democracy: Fostering Civic Conversations in College Classrooms training (date and time TBD)
- Joining the Faculty For Voting Rights online roundtable to discuss strategies for student voler mobilization.
- Promoting VoteForce, an app we’ve worked with Democracy Labs to develop, that allows students to text their friends to vote
- Getting key campus influencers, such as athletic coaches and star athletes, to engage their fans in voting effort
- Sharing the graphics and sample posts available in our Partner Schools Social Media Toolkit (see samples below).
More in "New Resources"
- New Book: STEM Smart Parenting
- Federal Work-Study Partnership Toolkit for Districts and Nonprofits
- Want to stay healthier and fulfilled later in life? Try volunteering
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