Toolkit for Creating Successful Partnerships

Posted by on March 25, 2005

Toolkits for Creating Successful Partnerships

The Community Tool Box website provides more than 6,000 pages of practical skill-building information on more than 250 different topics promoting community health and development. The following toolkits are roadmaps to developing successful partnerships:


Create Coalitions and Partnerships
You want to bring together a diverse group of individuals and organizations to address a common issue or goal. What preparations are necessary to successfully accomplish your vision for your community? Members need to be recruited, the problem or issue needs to be defined, and the community needs to be engaged. Where should you begin? This toolkit provides a framework and support for creating your coalition or collaborative partnership. Go to toolkit

Maintain Coalitions and Partnerships
You have already assembled a diverse group of individuals and organizations in order to address an issue or accomplish a goal. However, you find that you’re not growing or achieving your objective as quickly as you would like. Why? Perhaps it is time to examine your initial preparations and the current state of your coalition’s membership and resources. What barriers need to be removed for your (continued) success? Additionally, how can you plan for the maintenance and renewal of the coalition as time passes and goals are met? This toolkit provides a framework and support for expanding and maintaining your coalition or collaborative partnership. Go to toolkit

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