The Art of Asking Questions
Posted by Blue Door Group on January 5, 2015
The Blue Door Group’s networking gatherings are opportunities for educators, trainers, facilitators, and people interested in participatory approaches to education to come together on a regular basis to meet, learn, and practice skills.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
The Art of Asking Questions
How do you debrief activities, promote dialogue, and prompt critical thinking as an educator or facilitator? This session explores the different kinds of questions we can ask and ways to engage participants in inquiry-based activities that spark creativity, hypothesizing, and reflection. Deepen the discussion at your meetings or in your classes, workshops, and trainings by practicing the art of asking questions.
Register here:!gathering/ciht
Time: 6:00-8:30 p.m.
Cost: $20 in advance; $25-30 sliding scale at the door. Alumni of Blue Door Train-the-Trainer Series AND students with valid ID: $15
Pizza will be provided.
Location: Christ Church Neighborhood House, 20 N. American St. (Center City, Philadelphia)
For more information, contact: [email protected]
You can also register now for our February gathering:
Thursday, February 19, 2015
So You Know It; Now Can You Teach It?:
Interactive Teaching Tips for the Content Expert
Are you new to teaching? Do you know your stuff but aren’t sure how to teach it in an engaging, interactive, effective way? Come learn and practice some concrete tools and tricks (that can be applied to any content) for use in your classroom. Your students will thank you!
**This workshop is geared towards grad students and instructors who teach college and adult students in a variety of settings.
More in "Other Local Events and Workshops"
- Government and Community Relations Community of Practice – Feb 20
- The Facing Project Webinar – Jan 30 or 31
- Save the Date: Swarthmore College’s 9th annual Engaged Scholarship Symposium, and virtual pre-symposium conversations – Jan 13
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