Terrance Keenan Leadership Award in Health Philanthropy
Posted by on June 25, 2007
Grantmakers in Health Invites Nominations for the Terrance Keenan Leadership Award in Health Philanthropy
Deadline: September 12, 2007
Grantmakers in Health annually presents the Terrance Keenan Leadership Award in Health Philanthropy to a grantmaker whose leadership and thoughtful application of philanthropic resources has forged permanent improvements in health through innovation, risk taking, and boldness. The award recipient’s achievements exemplify responsiveness to people in communities, large or small, with a particular emphasis on reaching those most in need.
The nominee must be, or have been within the last three years, an active grantmaker (i.e., a trustee, staff member, or donor) for at least five years with a U.S. grantmaking organization in the field of health. Grantmakers nominated for the award can be at any stage in their careers. The award honors grantmakers whether they are in the midst of their service to the field or
are at the end of their career.
Any individual or organization may nominate a grantmaker to receive the award.
The recipient will be expected to participate in the award presentation and speak to his or her colleagues about the challenges and benefits of bringing creativity and leadership to the work of health philanthropy. The award will be presented during GIH’s annual meeting on health philanthropy, February 27-29, 2008, in Los Angeles, California.
The program brochure and nomination form are available at the GIH Web site.
RFP Link: <a href="http://fconline.foundationcenter.org/pnd/10007531/gih">http://fconline.foundationcenter.org/pnd/10007531/gih</a>
For additional RFPs in Health, visit:
<a href="http://foundationcenter.org/pnd/rfp/cat_health.jhtml">http://foundationcenter.org/pnd/rfp/cat_health.jhtml</a>
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