Teachers needed, Philadelphia Reads Summer Reads program
Posted by on April 20, 2009
[emailed 04/17/2009]
EducationWorks is seeking experienced, energetic, and creative teachers to implement the Philadelphia Reads Summer Reads program at summer camps in Philadelphia. This is a 20hr per week/ six week position providing intensive, interdisciplinary literacy instruction to children entering grades 1-4 in the fall. The program runs from July 6- August 14. There are two mandatory trainings: a full day training on Saturday June 6 and a ½ day training on Wednesday June 24. Compensation for teachers who successfully fulfill the program obligations is $2100.
Please see below for a complete description of the Summer Reads Coordinator position and an application. Submit application, resume, and cover letter to [email protected]
Summer READS Information and General Overview of Roles and Responsibilities
Children lose literacy skills if they do not read during the summer. PHILADELPHIA READS partners with the National Constitution Center, EducationWorks, and community and faith based organizations to add literacy and artistic enrichment to area summer programs.
For Summer READS students entering or completing 1st through 3rd grade work with Summer READS counselors or coordinators 20 hours per week (preferably 4 days a week, 5 hours a day or 5 days a week, 4 hours a day), on Science, Writing, Arts, Reading, Music and civics.
All Summer READS sites are non-profits with established summer programs and a proven ability to maintain enrollment of twenty-five (25) children in the Summer READS SWARM program throughout the summer. Summer READS is a supplement to, not the only component of their summer programming. PHILADELPHIA READS will hire you only to carry out the Summer READS portion of this program as described above. Through specific arrangement with your site, you may or may not be additionally employed by that site for additional programming.
Your job as Coordinator is to carry out the prescribed science curriculum and integrate it with intensive reading, writing, civic and art activities, so that children either improve or maintain their literacy skills throughout the summer. You are also responsible to facilitate and manage students and assist visiting art and music (or dance) instructors while they are teaching.
Starting with the materials and books related to this year’s theme you are to extend and involve the children in literature, civics and art so that they may better understand it and build more meaning from each text. This should be done in a myriad of ways, including, but not limited to:
carrying out the science curriculum
facilitating class and managing class while visiting arts instructors teach
read alouds
group reading
shared reading
independent reading
direct instruction of comprehension strategies
using graphic organizers to reflect or extend reading selections
engaging in the writer’s process
letter writing
book making
reading to follow directions
group discussion
related art activities
related gardening activities
reading to gather specific information
You will be provided with general curriculum with multiple activities provided for each of the books you will receive. This is a loose guide. It is not written with specific objectives and procedures. If hired we expect you to plan what to do each day and how to do it. We have provided most of the materials and literature you will need to do so. Your site may have additional resources available for you as well. The science portion of the curriculum is completely planned for already. You will simply follow the lesson plans provided with the materials.
These activities should be occurring with the same group of at least 25 children, with a MAXIMUM of 30 children (any more than 30 children will not be served by visiting artists and music teachers). Children are not to rotate through different portions of the curriculum during the Summer READS time, and/or the group working with Summer READS Coordinator should not change during the week.
Although you are chosen by your site and you are their employee, and should therefore work directly with that site director, PHILADELPHIA READS provides the following resources:
• stipend for Summer READS
• training for Summer READS
• Ongoing supervision and support from PR staff
• Science materials and training
• Theme books
• Additional ideas and resources to expand on theme
• Materials for engaging in literacy activities
• Visiting art and music teachers
• RIF books for children at site
During the 6-week Summer READS S program you have two agencies that you are responsible towards. You are working directly with your site director, but you also have responsibilities specific to PHILADELPHIA READS. As coordinator you are responsible to get all paperwork (invoices for payment, and surveys and reports) into PHILADELPHIA READS in a timely manner, as well as attending all trainings and meetings. Failure to do so may result in deduction or lack of payment. Additionally, if sites report a Coordinator has missed multiple days of work, this too may result in suspension of payment. Coordinators are solely responsible for communicating with PHILADELPHIA READS staff regarding changes in scheduling.
Each Summer Reads SWARM Coordinator will be paid a total of $2100 for implementing the Summer READS SWARM program. This will occur through two disbursements of $1050. Submission of all personnel documents, site reports, surveys and attendance at all training sessions are required for full compensation. Inability to perform duties and/or days not served could result in deductions and/or dismissal from the program.
Summer READS 2009
Coordinator Application
READS Coordinator/Teacher Name:
Home Address
City: State: Zip:
Fax (if applicable):
Name of Organization or Summer Camp:
Center Supervisor/ Director:
Phone: Fax:
How did you hear about Philadelphia READS and/or this position?
Are you currently a teacher?
O yes O no If no, what is your current job title:
Are you currently certified?
O yes O no If yes, what type:
Number of years teaching: Number of years in related fields:
Name of School/Organization where you are currently employed:
It is a: O public school O private school O religious school O after school program
O community organization O other, please describe:
Have you worked as a summer READS coordinator in the past?
O yes O no If yes, site name:
Do you have any previous experience working in a curriculum based summer program?
O yes O no If yes, please explain:
The following documents, completed in their entirety, MUST be submitted with your application. APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLETED UNTIL WE HAVE RECEIVED ALL OF THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS:
___ Typed resume
___ Current criminal record check*
___ Current child abuse clearance* (may take up to 8 weeks to obtain)
I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application packet may result in my release.
Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: __________________
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