Teacher Workshop: Japan in the 21st Century
Posted by on November 23, 2009
Phila-Nipponica 2010: Japan in the 21st Century
Preparing to teach about contemporary Japan
For educators in the Greater Philadelphia area
The University of Pennsylvania Center for East Asian Studies is pleased to announce that it will offer the 11th year in the Phila-Nipponica Project, a series that has helped over one hundred teachers in the Greater Philadelphia area enhance their classroom teaching about Japan and Asia through seminars, summer study tours, and curriculum development assistance devoted to Japan.
Middle and high school teachers are invited to an information session in which they’ll see a slide show highlighting earlier years’ activities, learn what the project will offer them, meet with project organizers and teacher alumni, and see what is needed to apply successfully.
Where: Arch Building, Crest Room
3601 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104
When: Thursday, December 10th, 2009
4:30 pm Registration, refreshments, and spectacular slide show of Japan
5-6 pm Learn about Japan in the 21st Century
Speakers include:
Center for East Asian Studies Associate Director Paula Roberts will speak on the project’s focus on 21st Century Japan and the application process Center for East Asian Studies Associate Director Frank Chance will talk about the three sections of the Phila-Nipponica project: Seminar, Study-Tour, Curriculum
Please reserve your place by calling or e-mailing Nicole Riley, [email protected] or 215-573-4203.
Japan in the 21st Century is intended to educate “beginners” about Japan and will offer a broad base of history and culture. In addition, this project will have a new and compelling focus: participants will develop an understanding of 21st century Japan—the internationally important changes taking place in Japanese politics, economics, and culture that Americans must understand to teach our next generation of citizens and leaders.
We are currently seeking applications from social studies and humanities teachers in middle and high schools who have a strong interest in developing or enhancing a Japan studies program.
Project activities include:
• A series of intensive all-day Saturday seminars with scholars (tentatively February 27, March 20, May 1) on the Univ. of Pennsylvania campus. Attendance is mandatory.
• A 18-day study tour of Japan in June/July 2010—tentative dates are June 24-July 13. You must be available all of this period.
• Three mandatory curriculum implementation sessions in Fall 2010.
Twelve teachers will be selected to participate this year in the project. An application form is available on the Center for East Asian Studies website: http://www.ceas.sas.upenn.edu/
All applications must be submitted to the Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. The deadline for submitting applications is January 22, 2010. All applicants will be notified whether or not they have been accepted to this project by February 5, 2010.
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