Tax Credit Community Outreach Kit
Posted by on December 31, 2004
[posted from National Community Tax Coalition listserv]
[ed note: PHENND is heavily involved in tax outreach in Delaware and Montgomery Counties. To get more info, contact us at 215-573-2379. For Philadelphia, contact the Campaign for Working Families at 215-851-1909.]
The 2005 “Make Tax Time Pay” Tax Credit Community Outreach Kit is now available to order from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities to assist organizations wishing to inform communities about the Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, opportunities for free low-income tax preparation assistance and linkages to asset development opportunities. Organizations may order a free copy by email at [email protected] or by calling our Outreach Staff at 202-408-1080.
(If you have received our Kit in the mail previously, you should be on our mailing list already and will receive the new Kit in the next couple of weeks.)
In addition to the updated EITC and Child Tax Credit outreach materials, including easy-to-read fact sheets on both credits; a full range of outreach strategy ideas that have been used successfully in local communities; posters, flyers, and envelope stuffers in English and Spanish; and the essential tax forms workers need to claim the credits, the Kit includes some new sections this year.
The “Facts About the Earned Income Credit” booklet in this Kit contains a new fact sheet on rules for workers with disabilities and families raising children with disabilities, with information on the impact of EITC and CTC refunds on various public benefits that will be of general use as well. The booklet also contains fact sheets on connections between the EIC and asset development strategies, including IDA’s, the Saver’s Tax Credit and the advantages of Roth IRAs for low- and moderate-income workers who wish to save. We also describe the new rules which enable military families receiving non-taxable combat pay to include this pay when determining their eligibility for both tax credits.
There are many brand-new examples and two new sections featured in our booklet on strategies to promote the credit. One new section focuses on ideas for enlisting organizations working with people with disabilities in outreach. A second new section highlights ways to help military families get the tax credits they?ve earned.
If you have questions or wish further information, please contact:
John Wancheck
Earned Income Credit Campaign Coordinator
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
820 First St. NE, Suite 510
Washington, DC 20002
[email protected]
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