Sustainability Partnership Mini-Presentation and Networking Event – Apr 29
Posted by PHENND on April 13, 2021
This will be the first in a series of PHENND Sustainability events highlighting existing campus-community partnerships that advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals here in the Delaware Valley, and creating space for practitioners to connect with each other around common interests and values. This month, we will hear from Dr. Shannon Capps, head of the Drexel Atmospheric Modeling Lab, and Lynn Robinson, a local environmental justice organizer and director of the Neighbors Against the Gas Plants group, who have collaborated for students to study air quality issues in North Philadelphia. Then, we will break into smaller groups to allow participants to introduce themselves and get to know one another. We hope to learn from and improve this event series as we go, and invite all to come prepared to listen and to provide feedback.
April 29, 2021
3:30-4:45 PM
On Zoom
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