Summer Institute in Consortium Leadership
Posted by on January 08, 2012
Have you wondered how to build or strengthen the academic consortium that is part of your current work? This question concerns many of us in the rapidly changing arena of higher education, where academic consortia and inter-institutional collaborations have become increasingly more important. With effective analytical, communication, leadership and collaboration skills essential to the healthy development of any consortial enterprise, where can leaders turn to hone these needed skills?
The Summer Institute in Consortium Leadership on June 24-27, 2012 offers a solution. It is, a program of the National Association for Consortium Leadership (, the only national professional organization for leaders of collaborations in higher education collaborations. We of Five Colleges, Incorporated (the nearly fifty-year-old consortium of Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke and Smith Colleges and the University of Massachusetts Amherst) welcome the opportunity to host the 2012 ACL Summer Institute in Amherst, Massachusetts
The ACL Summer Institute was designed by current consortium leaders to help chief executives and other senior staff members of academic consortia develop the broad range of skills and knowledge they need to guide their consortia, other consortium staff members, the leaders of their member institutions and the appropriate institutional teams or “communities of practice” of administrators or faculty members. The Institute was first offered last summer, hosted by the Claremont University Consortium, and was a resounding success, highly rated by participants and faculty members.
Through a mix of readings, presentations, discussions, case studies, and team projects, participants will further develop and fine-tune their skills of analysis and leadership. The founding faculty members and facilitators (all of them experienced consortium leaders themselves) have
tweaked the curriculum and pedagogical approaches to make the second Institute even more successful. The Institute in Consortium Leadership is also appropriate for senior officers of colleges and universities who play leadership roles in a consortium or who are planning to form a consortium.
The application deadline is March 1, 2012. Participation in the Institute will be limited in order to ensure a rich and positive experience. Information on how to apply on-line to participate in the Institute are included in the attached brochure and on the institute website (
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate contact me at (413) 542-4009 or [email protected].
Printed copies of this brochure will be mailed to consortium leaders in mid January. We hope you will be able to join us at Five Colleges for the Institute in June.
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