Stroehmann Bakeries Walk+Run Against Hunger
Posted by on January 30, 2011
Stroehmann Bakeries Walk+Run Against Hunger
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Philadelphia Museum of Art
The Walk+Run Against Hunger supports more than 100 food pantries, soup kitchens and hunger-relief agencies in Southeastern Pennsylvania and South Jersey. Together, they help hundreds of thousands of local families put food on their tables every day.
Sign up for the Walk+Run! And make a difference in the fight against hunger.
When: April 9, 2011, Saturday
Where: Philadelphia Museum of Art
Course: 5K (3.1 miles) on Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. Certified by USATF. Run is chip-timed by CompuScore.
See full schedule
How the Walk+Run Helps:
Most food pantries and soup kitchens are small programs run by volunteers. For many of them, the Walk+Run is the main way they raise funds to buy food, kitchen equipment and other necessities to help people who come to them for help.
The Walk+Run also benefits the region’s leading hunger-relief agencies, including the Coalition Against Hunger, The Food Trust, SHARE and Philabundance.
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