Strategies for Rebuilding Communities: Planners Network Conference
Posted by on May 28, 2004
[posted from PACDC Newsletter]
Walls or Bridges? Strategies for Rebuilding Communities–Planners Network Conference
Hunter College, Dept of Urban Affairs & Planning and Pratt Institute Graduate Center for Planning & Environment
Planners Network Conference: June 24-27, 2004. NYC.
The quality of urban life is undermined by inequality, poverty, violence and war. Cities are divided into enclaves by walls that segregate by privelge, race and ethnicity. These divisions are increasingly evident in the Middle East and South Asia, but are growing throughout the world and in North America as well. At the same time communities are struggling to rebuild bridges and networks that unite people.
In New York City, the 9/11 disaster prompted many proposals for rebuiliding Gound Zero and lower Manhattan, but the rebuilidng process has been dominated by powerful interests that have turned their backs on the communities that were most seriously affected. Civil rights and access to public spaces are being curtailed. The “war on terrorism” throuhout the world is destroying many bridges and erecting new walls. Globalization is increasing economic inequalities, racism, and political repression.
Community-based planning offers inclusive, democratic models for urban planning based on social, economic and environmental justice. The Planners Network conference seeks to engage discussions about these experiences and help develop progressive planning strategies for the future. How cna planning help build secure and sustainable cities? How can planners oppose the destruction of war and natural disasters and strengthen networks leading to peace?
Call for workshop proposals. The conference organizing committe invites proposals for speakers, participatory workshops, and panels on topics related to the conference themes, including workshops hosted by community-based organizaitons in the citiy’s five boroughs. The committee will give prefernce to open, participatory discussions. Send your ideas and proposals to Tom Angotti and Ayse Yonder at [email protected] or Planners Network, 379 DeKalb Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11205.
For more information please contact:
Tom Angotti and Ayse Yonder
379 DeKalb Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11205
[email protected]
Visit their website:
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