Strategies for Building Resiliency in Youth
Posted by on May 6, 2006
[posted from National Service-Learning Partnerships newsletter]
Strategies for Building Resiliency in Youth
Clemson University, Clemson, SC, June 26-28, 2006
Cost: $195 per person, $175 per person (team of 2 or more)
Registration Deadline: June 23, 2006
This institute will focus on one of the National Dropout Prevention Center?s 15 effective strategies – service-learning – that addresses many of the reasons kids are turning their backs on school:
* Lack of academic success
* Need to develop resilience*
(* Definition of resilience: the capacity to bounce back from adversity)
At this institute, you will learn about dropout prevention strategies, resilience, asset building, and protective factors, assessment of student learning, and service-learning as a pedagogy for increasing high school completion rates. The institute is sponsored by the National Dropout Prevention Center, the National Service-Learning Exchange, and the International Center on Service-Learning in Teacher Education.
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