State and Local Government Financial Wellness Grants Program – Jul 15

Posted by National Association of State Treasurers Foundation on May 26, 2020

NASTF Welcomes Proposals for State and Local Government Financial Wellness Grants Program

In an effort to improve the financial wellness of the state and local public sector workforce, a new national initiative administered via the Center for State & Local Government Excellence, the International Public Management Association for Human Resources, and the National Association of State Treasurers Foundation, with the support of the Wells Fargo Foundation, is offering up to $1.4 million in grants to selected state and local governments to establish or improve on financial wellness programs for their employees.

The effort comes as state and local governments confront unprecedented budget shortfalls and employees face financial challenges in the wake of the COVID-19 health and economic crisis. Even before the crisis, state and local governments were seeking ways to strengthen employee financial literacy.

The purpose of the RFP is to solicit proposals from local government and state governmental entities that have the interest and capacity to develop and offer a financial wellness program to their employees. The partner organizations seek proposals that will reach employees in one or a combination of formats (e.g., conferences, courses, presentations, project-based materials, curriculum, financial coaching/counseling, online training, or through traditional and social media) and improve the awareness, knowledge, and financial wellness behavior of their employees. The target audience may be an entire jurisdiction or specific departments, and partnerships between entities are encouraged.

Grants funds awarded through the program can be used to expand programming already offered, to establish new programs and initiatives, to work with trusted third-party vendors to reach the public sector workforce, and/or to reach a wider audience through other quality programming.

Up to twenty-six non-renewable one-year grants will be awarded through the RFP. Grant amounts will be based on jurisdiction workforce size, with up to $100,000 available for state and local governments with 2,500 or more employees.

Proposals are encouraged from any local government and/or state governmental entity of any size and from any part of the United States, including Washington, D.C., and its territories. Collaborative partnerships amongst these entities are encouraged. Up to twenty-six grants will be offered for this one-year, non-renewable initiative.

Proposals are due by July 15, 2020, and grant recipients will be notified of their awards by September 14, 2020.

SLGE, IPMA-HR, and NASTF will be hosting a webinar on Thursday, May 28 at 3:00 p.m. ET. (Registration required.) Participants are invited to submit questions prior to the call at [email protected].

See the National Association of State Treasurers Foundation website for additional information.

Deadline: July 15, 2020

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