Spring Issue of Community Technology Review
Posted by on May 2, 2003
The spring issue of the “Community Technology Review” is now available online (http://www.comtechreview.org) and in hard copy. The new issue features more than two dozen articles covering:
* organizational updates from CTCNet, AFCN, and the Children’s Partnership;
* profiles on the I-CAN Earned Income Credit Electronic Filing project, Community Building in Roxbury, MA, Richmond, VA, and Kentucky;
* commentary by Frank Odasz, Anne McFarland, and a new Cybertelecom Report by Robert Cannon;
* AmeriCorps digital divide profiles and resources from the CTC VISTA Project in San Diego and Seattle and the Senior Corps Technology Resource Center;
* TA to Nonprofit projects in Austin, Houston, and the UK;
* Policy perspectives on e-government, the Digital Millenium Copyright Act, consortium development in IL, and a Point-Counterpoint exchange on the recent FCC broadband
rule making;
* International reports from Queensland, Australia, the UK, and Partheny, France.
Check it out.
— peter miller, richard civille, and melissa daigle, editors
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