Spring Break Business Camp for Youth
Posted by on March 21, 2003
ENTERPRISE CENTER, 4548 Market Street, 19139
Call Jeff Wicklund, 215-895-4078 E-mail: [email protected]
Business Basic Training 2003: For Youth between the ages of 12-19. Three days of intensive training in business and entrepreneurship. Youth from all over the city are invited to attend. Dates: Monday, April 14th – Wednesday, April 16th, 2003, hours: registration from 9-12 formal program 12-5. Fee is $10.00 per person. Youth will be exposed to business speakers, business games and simulations, networking, technology, contests, discussions, and will receive information/inspiration and tools to be successful in business and entrepreneurship. For applications call or E-mail Jeff Wicklund or stop by the center and pick up an application. APPLICATIONS DEADLINE FRIDAY April 11, 2003!.
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