Special Issue: Metropolitan Universities journal
Posted by on October 22, 2004
Campus Compact is pleased to announce a special issue of Metropolitan Universities journal focused on exemplary Indicators of Engagement at comprehensive universities.
Deadline for letters of intent: October 15, 2004–EXTENDED to November 15, 2004
The Indicators of Engagement were developed by Campus Compact to capture effective dimensions of civic and community engagement in American higher education. The Indicators of Engagement Project (IOEP) has identified five organizing clusters among the 13 indicators. These clusters will provide the framework for an issue of Metropolitan Universities journal (http://muj.uc.iupui.edu/) focusing on comprehensive universities. A description of the original 13 indicators and the five organizing clusters, the Call for Proposals, the Guidelines for Abstracts, and the Abstract cover page are all available online at http://www.compact.org/indicators/call_for_proposals.html.
We are seeking papers detailing clear evidence of effectiveness with regard to any one of the five clusters (including any combination of their constituent indicators) at Campus Compact member campuses with comprehensive missions. Manuscripts should detail the impact of the cluster on both the campus and the community, and should reflect critically on challenges and successes that have characterized the engagement process.
We are especially interested in papers that are able to demonstrate success with regard to Community Voice, External Resource Allocations, Coordination of Community-Based Activities, Forums for Fostering Public Dialogue, and Student Voice. A panel of engagement experts will review the proposed papers and make final selections for publication.
Anyone interested in submitting an essay for this special issue, tentatively scheduled for December 2005, should submit a letter of intent by November 15, 2004. This letter should identify the organizing cluster and constituent indicators that will be discussed in the paper and include a brief description of related engagement activities and outcomes. It should also include the name(s) of prospective author(s) and relevant contact information. The letter should be emailed to [email protected] and sent to:
Edward Zlotkowski
Guest Editor, Metropolitan Universities Special Issue
C/o Campus Compact
Brown University Box 1975
Providence, RI 02912
Abstracts are now due December 5, 2004; additional information about the abstracts is available at http://www.compact.org/indicators/call_for_proposals.html. Authors of papers selected for inclusion in the journal will be notified in January 2005. All papers will be due April 15, 2005.
We hope that you or one of your colleagues will take advantage of this opportunity to share your engaged practices with the rest of higher education.
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- Invitation to Shape Research Agenda for Service-Learning and Community Engagement – Mar 30 & Apr 3-4
- Data on Purpose Virtual Summit: Reimagining the Digital Future: Harnessing AI for Social Good – May 6-7
- Save the Date: Leadership Institute for Women and Gender-Diverse Leaders – Dec 2-3
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