Spark Justice Fund – Sep 9
Posted by Borealis Philanthropy on August 20, 2019
Borealis Philanthropy Invites Applications for the Spark Justice Fund
The Spark Justice Fund is a donor collaborative at Borealis Philanthropy that supports grassroots organizing and advocacy groups working to end the use of money bail in the criminal justice system, transform pretrial justice, and build power in communities most impacted by incarceration in the United States.
To advance this mission, the fund is inviting LOIs from innovative grassroots organizing and advocacy groups that work authentically with constituencies most impacted by mass incarceration (particularly those groups led by individuals directly impacted by the system); demonstrate a clear power-building and leadership-development strategy that meaningfully engages directly impacted communities in defining problems, solutions, and actions; engage in bail reform efforts that advance decarceration; and are connected to a broader and holistic vision of reform. The fund will consider requests for support both to advance policy reforms and to ensure effective implementation of reforms already adopted.
The fund prioritizes efforts to end money bail and transform pretrial justice that align with its goals of decriminalizing poverty; dramatically reducing the number of people incarcerated in jails; advancing transformative community-based models of justice; securing justice and equity for low-income communities of color most impacted by incarceration, including women and LGBTQ people; and elevating the leadership of those most directly affected by the criminal justice system.
Grants ranging between $75,000 and $100,000 per year for up to two years will be awarded, along with organizational development and capacity-building support and technical assistance and peer-learning activities aimed at fostering deeper coordination within the field.
To be eligible, applicants must be tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or be fiscally sponsored by an organization with such status) and work at the local and/or state level.
Letters of Intent are due September 9. Upon review, selected applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal by December 1, 2019.
See the Borealis Philanthropy website for complete program guidelines and application instructions.
Deadline: September 9, 2019 (Letters of Intent)
Read more and apply:
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