Social Entrepreneurs, the Social Web and Social Change

Posted by on March 22, 2010

Our next Philly Net Tuesday will be at the Jenkins Law Library, 833 Chestnut Street (please see directions below), starting at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, April 6.

Join us for a fascinating discussion featuring Garrett Melby, CEO of GoodCompany Ventures, Blake Jennelle, founder of Missioneurs, other local social entrepreneurs and you!

Social Entrepreneur (n.): someone who recognizes a social problem and uses entrepreneurial principles to organize, create, and manage a venture to make social change.

We will discuss:

o What does social entrepreneurship have to do with the social web?
o How is new web technology and social entrepreneurship revolutionizing the way change happens?
o How can the principles of social entrepreneurship be applied to nonprofits?
o What’s happening locally, including examples of local social enterprises and ways to get more involved.

Learn More:
Philly NetSquared ( gathers together nonprofits and activists, tech leaders and funders, and everyone who’s interested in using technology for social change.

More in "Other Local Events and Workshops"

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