Small Awards in Behavioral Economics
Posted by Russell Sage Foundation on March 20, 2017
Russell Sage Foundation Invites LOIs for Behavioral Economics Projects
One of the oldest foundations in the country, the Russell Sage Foundation was established by Margaret Olivia Sage in 1907 for “the improvement of social and living conditions in the United States.” In pursuit of that mission, the foundation today dedicates itself to strengthening the methods, data, knowledge, and theoretical core of the social sciences as a means of diagnosing social problems and improving social policies.
To that end, the foundation is accepting Letters of Inquiry for its Small Awards in Behavioral Economics program. Grants of up to $7,500 will be awarded in support of high-quality research in behavioral economics and to encourage young investigators (Ph.D. students and recent graduates) to enter this developing field.
There are no limitations on the disciplinary background of the principal investigator, and the proposed research may address any topic in behavioral economics. However, projects must contribute to the foundation’s mission to improve social and living conditions in the United States. Appropriate projects will demonstrate explicit use of psychological concepts in the motivation of the research design and the preparation of the results.
Applicants must be an advanced doctoral student or post-doc/junior (non-tenured) faculty member who has been out of graduate school for two years or less. Individuals of any nationality are eligible to apply.
Letters of Inquiry must be received no later than May 31, 2017. Upon review, selected applicants will be invited to submit a full application by August 15, 2017.
See the RSF website for complete program guidelines, an FAQ, and application procedures.
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