Services for Recently Arrived Refugees
Posted by on December 10, 2004
Title: Services for Recently Arrived Refugees
Sponsor: Office of Refugee Resettlement/ACF/DHHS
SYNOPSIS: Funding is available to non-profit organizations in three priority areas: Preferred Communities; Unanticipated Arrivals; and Ethnic Community Self-Help. Award durations and amounts vary according to category.
Deadline(s): 02/28/2005
Contact: Sue Benjamin, Program Specialist Address: 370 L’Enfant Promenade., SW 8th Floor West Washington, DC 20447 U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected]
Program URL: <a href=""></a>
OBJECTIVES: The sponsor provides support in the following categories: The Preferred Communities program is designed to promote the increase of newly arrived refugees in preferred communities where they have ample opportunities for early employment and sustained economic independence and, to address special populations who need intensive case management, culturally and linguistically appropriate linkages and coordination with other service providers to improve their access to services. The objective is to support resettlement of newly arriving refugees with the best opportunities for their assimilation into new communities, and to support refugees with special needs that require more intensive case management.
The Unanticipated Arrivals program is designed to provide services to arriving refugees or sudden large secondary migration of refugees where communities are not sufficiently prepared in terms of linguistic or culturally appropriate services. The purpose that the sponsor seeks to achieve through this program is to provide additional resources to communities where the arrival of refugees is not anticipated and the refugee services are insufficient. Under these circumstances, resources are needed to provide additional service capacity to accommodate the additional refugees. The sponsor intends to offer to communities the resources to respond to the unanticipated arrivals with adequate and culturally and linguistically appropriate social services.
The Ethnic Communtiy Self Help program is designed to provide assistance to organized ethnic communities comprised and representative of refugee populations. Projects are specifically designed to: assist refugees in obtaining the skills which are necessary for economic self sufficiency, including projects for job training, employment services, day care, professional refresher training, and other recertification services; provide training in English where ncessary refugees are employed or receiving cash or other assistance; and to provide where specific needs have been shown and recognized by the Director, health (including mental health) services, social services, educational and other services.
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