Service-Learning Emerging Leaders Initiative
Posted by on October 27, 2006
Service-Learning Emerging Leaders Initiative–Funding Opportunity
Deadline: December 8, 2006
Technical Assistance Call: November 16, 2006
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Dear Service-Learning Colleagues:
The National Service-Learning Partnership at the Academy for Educational Development, and the National Youth Leadership Council, are pleased to announce the creation of the Service-Learning Emerging Leaders Initiative. This effort is made possible by the generous support of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Interested organizations and qualified leaders are invited to participate.
The Service-Learning Emerging Leaders Initiative is designed to:
Expand the current leadership of the service-learning field to include a new generation of young, more culturally diverse leaders
Sharpen the skills and capacity of individual leaders and organizations to build the service-learning field through (i) practice and professional development; (ii) policy advocacy; (iii) research; (iv) constituency-building; and (v) communications and visibility
Cultivate culturally competent leaders and organizations within the service-learning community and within key organizations poised to make service-learning a more central part of their organizational mission and goals
Ensure a stronger connection between service-learning and broader social change objectives through more representative and culturally diverse service-learning leaders and more robust use of service-learning to address structural issues of race, class, power, and access in disempowered communities.
WHY. The W.K. Kellogg Foundation has long been committed to enhancing, promoting and unleashing the resources of new and emerging leaders within communities of color. The Foundation believes supporting and engaging culturally diverse and traditionally under-served and under-represented communities is critical to building a mutually responsible and just society in which all members of society have the ability and means to contribute to the common good.
In 2004, service-learning leaders from around the country began to identify critical gaps in the fields infrastructure. These leaders collaborated with their peers in other service-learning organizations during spring and summer 2005 and selected five priority areas that required their collective attention: practice and professional development, policy advocacy, research, constituency-building, and communications and visibility. In addition to preparing a new generation of young, culturally diverse leaders, the service-learning field must also equip its leaders with skills and opportunities to pursue meaningful work in these priority areas.
Young leaders between the ages of 25 to 35 years old who have demonstrated a commitment to making a difference in the lives of young people, schools, and/or communities. Ideal candidates will have a minimum of five years of professional experience working in the service-learning or in the related field(s) of the Host Organization.
Fourteen to twenty (14-20) local, state, tribal, regional, and national organizations and/or public sector agencies that are established leaders in the service-learning community or that are well positioned to introduce and expand service-learning to new audiences or key stakeholder groups.
The National Service-Learning Partnership provides each Host Organization with a grant of up to $25,000/year to subsidize a portion of an Emerging Leaders salary for two years (March 1, 2007 to February 28, 2009). Emerging Leaders must work full-time positions and must make a minimum of $35,000 and receive full health and dental benefits. Applicant Host Organizations can propose an Emerging Leader already on staff or can propose to recruit and hire a new employee.
In addition to a full-time position with salary and full benefits, Emerging Leaders receive in-person and virtual professional development (including travel and accommodations), professional mentoring and will engage in individual leadership planning and offered publication and presentation opportunities.
WHEN. Application forms and supplemental documents are available on-line at: <a href=""></a>. The original plus four complete collated copies of the application must be received by the National Service-Learning Partnership no later than December 8, 2006.
Submissions by fax or e-mail will not be accepted. Mail completed application to:
National Service-Learning Partnership
at the Academy for Educational Development
1825 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20009
Attn: Service-Learning Emerging Leaders Initiative
Phone: (202) 884-8982
QUESTIONS? On November 16, there will be a technical assistance call opportunity for prospective applicants. Email [email protected] by no later than November 14 to reserve a space on the call. Conference call instructions will only be sent to registered callers.
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