Service-learning as a Path to Achieving Graduation Requirements: ACT 158 Applied
Posted by PennSERVE on June 13, 2023
Act 158 of 2018 (Act 158), signed into law by Governor Tom Wolf on October 24, 2018, provides alternatives to Pennsylvania’s statewide requirement of attaining proficiency on the three end-of-course Keystone Exams for a student to achieve statewide graduation requirements. One of the evidence-based options is a student service-learning project. Through the Pennsylvania Statewide Afterschool Youth Development Network’s (PSAYDN) partnership with National Youth Leadership Council (NYLC), we offered two, 1.5-hour virtual training sessions as an introduction to service-learning and the service-learning process to Pennsylvania OST staff, educators, faculty, administrators, and other interested individuals in youth development fields. The training webinars provided educators with the tools to support experiential, student-led service-learning projects while helping students achieve their academic goals and make positive impacts in their communities.
The links to the recorded webinars are below:
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