Second Annual PHENND K-16 Partnerships Institute
Posted by on May 07, 2012
Second Annual PHENND K-16 Partnerships
PHENND K-16 Partnerships Institute
June 6-7, 2012
Location: School District of Philadelphia
440 N. Broad Street
Sessions will be 9:30-4:00 both days.
This year’s Institute will bring together the diverse constituents in our Network including non-profits, IHE faculty and staff, School District administrators and students to learn from each other, reflect on all the work that has been done over the past year and to set concrete goals for the upcoming year, especially in light of the many changes happening in our schools. Workshops and action planning sessions will focus on how all sectors that serve youth (from K-16 to those in the job market) can support “pipelines” of academic success and student leadership in Philadelphia.
Sessions topics Include:
-Research on Alternative methods of Higher Education for low income students focusing on the I-Lead model
-Working in committees and with School District representatives to determine goals for 2012-2013 in regarding university and community partnerships
-Hearing from K-12 and college students regarding how to address drop out and retention issues in high school and college through service-learning and community partnerships.
Register here:
There is no cost to attend this event. Breakfast and lunch will be served both days.
Detailed agenda:
Overview of Day 1: Wednesday, June 6th:
Continental breakfast and registration 9:00-9:30
Welcome and Introductions 9:30-9:45
Workshop Block I 9:45-11:25
Creating K-16 Pipelines to Jobs in Philadelphia
This session will be a panel discussion regarding how to create stronger high school to industry pipelines in Philadelphia. Questions that panelists will be addressing include:
· How do you think partnerships with K-12 schools are beneficial various job industries in Philadelphia?
· What do you see as the main barriers or challenges regarding preparing students for work in industries like healthcare?
· Do you think that collaborations with schools have changed various industry partner’s understanding of K-12 education? How?
· How do you incorporate university partnerships in to your work with industry partners and K-12 schools? How do you think such partnerships (for example, with a nursing program or engineering) be helpful to K-12 teachers and students?
Speakers include:
Alyssa Cherkin: Community Involvement Leader at Deloitte Services LP and member of the Greater Philadelphia Corporate Volunteer Council
Alison Acevido: Health Academies ER Project Coordinator for Philadelphia Academies
Dr. Michael Daley, founder and coordinator of SYSTEMS Program in New Hope-Solesbury High School.
Creating Collaborative Support for Multicultural Students in College
Representatives from West Chester University will present their methods of collaborating with different offices on campus including the multicultural center, admissions and college access centers to better support low-income and first generation students stay on the path to college success.
Topics to be Discussed:
Goals for recruitment of Philadelphia public school students
Interventions and supports that work for multicultural students and first generation college students.
How do deans of first year students, admissions and the multicultural office work together?
Peer mentoring and leadership as a support service for multicultural students
Speakers Include: Zuri Stone: West Chester Masters in Criminal Justice, 2012 and Jonathan Howie: Assistant Director of Admissions and Multi Cultural Student Recruitment
The Benefits of Alternative Fieldwork Placements for First and Second Year Education Students
This session will discuss how placements that focus on service-learning and training in areas such as conflict resolution and AVID tutoring can enhance a pre-service teachers’ motivation towards working in urban education in addition to providing new skill sets to be used in the classroom.
Speakers and topics to be discussed:
Janice Stienberg: English teacher, service-learning specialist and pre-service teacher mentor: Service-learning as a key educational strategy in urban classrooms in Philadelphia.
Alex McNeil: Project EDU: Pre-service teacher’s experiences with volunteer projects in public schools and building a trained volunteer force for public school partnerships.
Alex Keene, certified English teacher and AVID tutor, Arcadia University, Liz Shriver, AVID tutor coordinator: AVID Tutoring as a field placement: Learning alternative tutoring methodology and gaining confidence in the classroom.
Cindy Bellivou: Assistant Professor (Teaching/Instructional) Dept. of Psychological Studies in Education: Conflict Resolution as a behavior management strategy for pre-service teachers and the benefits of “side by side” service-learning.
Keynote Speaker and Lunch 11:30-12:45
Re-framing how we think about higher education for low-income students
Nick Torres will be leading a discussion about community-based higher education through the I-Lead program. Mr. Torres will present examples of how colleges and universities can benefit from participating in these programs in addition to being able to support increasing numbers of high school students.
Plenary Panel Session: 12:45-2:15
Reflecting on A Year with the K-16 Partnerships Network
Members of the three K-16 Partnerships Committees (Non-profit Partnerships, Service-Learning and College Access) as well as representatives from the Teacher Education Alliance will discuss their activities and successes as well as goals and ideas for the upcoming year.
Non-profit Partnerships Committee
Speakers Include:
Tatiana Poladko: Teen SHARP, Dale Kesheshian: Healthworks Academies, Jennifer Cardoso: Philadelphia Academies, Tyler Hercules: Temple University and Liz Shriver
Service-learning committee
Speakers Include:
David Cooper Moore: Temple University Media Studies, Carrie Hutnick: St. Joes University service-learning
College Access Committee and Next Steps
Speakers Include:
Rhasaan Nicols: CORE Scholars, Liz Shriver: PHENND, Jennifer Cardoso: Philadelphia Academies, Zuri Stone: West Chester University, Elijah Simmons: Penn State Schkuykill
The Teacher Education Alliance (TEA) will present a survey of principals and collaborative efforts regarding improving teacher placement programs in Philadelphia.
Action Planning Process Part I 2:30-3:30
Committee Planning for 2012-2013
This session will separate participants into four focus areas: non-profit partnerships, service-learning, college access and teacher education. If not already in a committee, participants may self-select based on interest area. Each group will begin to create a mission statement and collaborative agenda for the upcoming year regarding our partnerships with Philadelphia schools.
Overview of Day 2: Thursday, June 7th
Workshop I 10:00-12:00
Youth Leadership and Service-Learning in K-12
In this session participants will work the youth leadership team from Parkway Northwest High School for Peace and Social Justice. The Leadership Team will be discussing why service-learning and community engagement enhances learning in the classroom and how you can become a part of this process.
How to Influence K-12 Curriculum Statewide
The newly reformed Pennsylvania Service Learning Alliance (PSLA) will present its goals, services and methods of supporting and expanding K-16 service-learning in Pennsylvania. New project with the Pennsylvania Department of Education will be discussed. Presented by Hillary Kane, PHENND and Karen Kaseky, PennSERVE: Governor’s Office of Citizen Service.
Lunch and Information Session: 12:00-1:15PM
Report back and discussion of the Education First Compact meeting, current SRC meetings and responses to the major reorganizations in the School District of Philadelphia.
Panel Discussion with Youth Leaders 1:15-2:30
The Importance of Service-Learning, College Access and Leadership in Building Strong K-16 Pipelines in Philadelphia
This panel session will feature college student leaders who will discuss how their involvement with service-learning and community engagement has specifically affected their career goals and ability obtain meaningful opportunities.
· Alex McNeil: Project EDU
· Zuri Stone: Next Steps, West Chester University
· Parkway Northwest Student Leadership Team Representative
· AVID Tutoring representative
Action Planning Part II 2:30-3:30
This session will be a continuation of the planning that happened in day one which will include new ideas and conclusions from day two. By the end of this session each committee will have established a mission statement and goals for 2012-2013.
Concluding Discussion 3:30-4:00
Each Action Planning group will present their goals for the upcoming year and questions that need to be answered regarding partnering with Philadelphia schools for the upcoming year. All questions will be complied and submitted to School District representatives on behalf of the K-16 Partnerships Network. As appropriate, School District officials will be selected for specific follow-up meetings.
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