Science Education volunteers, iPRAXIS
Posted by on August 20, 2012
Science Programs
The Science Fair Curriculum and other Science support Programs are an initiative of iPRAXIS, a University City-based non-profit, created to enhance science education in Philadelphia public schools. Our volunteer scientists (aka. Scienteers) go directly into classrooms and work with students in an attempt to spark more interest in the sciences. We sponsor various activities in our partner schools to show students the relevance of science in everyday life, and the countless career opportunities a science background can offer.
Volunteer Opportunities
Science Fair Project Mentor – Scienteer mentors meet with a group of four students once a week for a 12 week period to guide the planning and implementation of a science fair project. Students engage enthusiastically in the application of scientific principles through this creative project-based approach, and enjoy a consistent relationship with Scienteers who model and encourage goal-setting, teamwork, research design, organization, presentation skills, and positive relationship building. Time Commitment: Mentoring sessions begin at different points in the Fall and Spring and conclude with the school’s science fair. All sessions run 45-60 minutes in length for a 12 week period.
Science Fair Presenter – Scienteer presenters give career and/or select topic STEM presentations to students in our partner schools. These presentations focus on a topic that supports the current science curriculum at the school and provides students with information about potential careers in the STEM fields. Presenters provide the teachers with an overview of the presentation topics beforehand so that teachers can prepare students to be fully engaged. When possible, presenters incorporate a hands-on activity to support the students’ understanding. Recent presentations topics have included: Viruses and Bacteria, Muscular Movement, Sight and Glaucoma, and Cancer Basics. Presenters have been graduate students, post doctoral researchers, heads of large organizations, leading surgeons, and others. Time Commitment: Presentations take place throughout the year and run between 45-60 minutes and can be presented to a single classroom or as an assembly.
Afterschool club mentor –Afterschool mentors attend afterschool clubs to mentor students on relevant topics for a club that will culminate in a competition. The current clubs that we support are as follows:
– Future City Competition where students build a virtual city that tackles a potential issue. This club runs through the Fall, culminating in a competition in Jan.
– FIRST Lego League Robotics competition where students design and program a robot that navigates an obsiticle course. This club runs through the Fall, culminating in multiple competitions in Dec. and Jan.
– SeaPerch competition where students design and program and underwater robot that navigates an obstacle course. This club runs from Jan – March.
– Sprint Solar Car competition where students design a solar powered car and test different variables and materials. This club runs from March – June.
– Mousetrap Car kits is a new component where students will build model cars powered by a mousetrap. Students will work with different variables to build the most effective car. Dates TBD.
School Locations:
Henry C Lea Elementary at 47th and Locust Belmont Charter at 4030 Brown St
Martha Washington at 44th and Aspen Cook-Wissahickon at 210 E Salaignac S
Northwood Academy at 4290 Penn St Memphis Street Charter at 2950 Memphis St
Become a Scienteer and Make a Difference!
If you are interested in volunteering with iPRAXIS, please visit our website and fill out a registration form. For questions, please call Meagan Hopkins-Doerr, Program Director at 215-966-6253 or [email protected]
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