Safe Routes to School Noninfrastructure Grants
Posted by on September 17, 2012
Encourage schools to apply for Safe Routes to School funding that would support walking and biking to/from school …In 2012, some of the OPS staff helped schools and communities sponsor bike rodeos, conduct assemblies and helped schools supply every child with new helmets and instruction along with connections to public biking trails! Helping kids become more aware of safe biking is an invaluable skill for life.
Subject: Noninfrastructure Grant Application and Student Tally/Parent Survey Deadline
Safe Routes to School Noninfrastructure Grant applications are due to the Pennsylvania Safe Routes to School Resource Center by 4:30 p.m., November 15.
Before a school may apply for a grant, two different evaluations must be conducted and the results sent to the National Center for Safe Routes to School by November 15:
In-class Student Tally – conducted in the classroom by the teacher
Parent Survey – sent home for a parent to complete
If your school is interested in applying for a grant, plan to do the data collection in the fall (ideally, the first few weeks of the school year, but no later than November 15).
Survey information can be found at
More in "Grant Opportunities"
- PCCE Civic Imagination Grants
- GivePulse National Volunteer Week Grants – Apr 8
- Arts and Culture Grant & Info Session, William Penn Foundation – Mar 19
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